Monday, November 12, 2007

Noah's Fourth Birthday

For Noah's fourth birthday, he wanted an airplane birthday party, so we talked to a friend that is a pilot and they offered to have it at their hanger and give the kids airplane rides. It was a very special day that I don't think anyone will forget.

The birthday boy!! I can't believe that my baby is already 4.

Here is the airplane that the kids were able to take a ride in.

Captain Noah and Pilot Dan

Captain Noah got to fly the plane. He was on cloud nine (literally). Pilot Dan had him sit on some boxes so that he could see. As they were taxiing out to the runway, the tower said "Happy Birthday, Noah" and blinked the tower lights at him. He will never forget that!!

It was so nice to have my mom come from Minnesota for the party. I know it was really special for Noah! She was a huge help with everything. (and she even got an airplane ride!)

The cake that my mom and I made. It wasn't an easy feat, but I thought it turned out pretty good, especially for amateurs!!

1 comment:

The Roberts Family said...

Happy Birthday Noah!